Types of Visa

Malaysia Work Visa Complete Guide For 2024



Malaysia Work Visa. Take a captivating journey through Malaysia’s heart as we explore the intricacies of obtaining a work permit. Beyond the paperwork, this blog presents the dynamic fusion of cultures, work-life nuances, and the vibrant stories of expatriates navigating their way through Malaysia’s mosaic of opportunities. Explore the extraordinary stories that give life to the process of working and thriving in such a culturally diverse nation with us. Here is where your adventure begins in Malaysia.

Read Also: Malaysia Visa Check Online in 2024

What is Work Visa Malaysia?

Work permits, or visas, are used by expatriates to work in Malaysia. They are usually issued to senior or technically skilled professionals with specialized work experience.

What is the difference between a work pass and a work permit?

A work permit is a type of work pass intended for semi-skilled or unskilled foreign workers, while a work permit for specialized professionals is another type of work pass.

Categories & Conditions of Malaysia Employment Passes

In Malaysia, there are three types of Employment Passes, depending on your position and salary.

Employment Pass Category 1

  • Key positions in a company include executives, CEOs, managing directors, project managers, etc.
  • A monthly salary of at least RM10,000 is required.
  • A five-year work contract is required.
  • It is possible to renew the EP.
  • It is permissible for you to hire a foreign domestic helper.

Employment Pass Category 2

  • Managerial and professional positions in a company, such as lecturers, directors, architects, etc.
  • It is required that you earn between RM5,000 and RM9,999 per month.
  • Two-year work contracts are required.
  • It is possible to renew the EP.
  • It is permissible for you to hire a foreign domestic helper.

Employment Pass Category 3

  • These include non-executive positions in a company that require significant work experience and specific technical or practical skills. Examples include fashion and furniture designers, craftsmen, food technologists, etc.
  • The minimum salary you can earn is RM3,000-RM4,999 a month.
  • It is necessary for you to have a two-year contract.
  • There can only be two renewals of the EP.
  • The hiring of a foreign domestic helper is prohibited.

Malaysia Employment Visa Eligibility

To qualify for a Malaysia Employment Pass, you must meet the following requirements:

  • The position requires academic qualifications.
  • For those with smaller academic qualifications, you may need more years of relevant work experience.
  • An executive, managerial, or technical position requiring specific skills is required.
  • There are salary requirements you must meet.
  • Work in a restricted sector is not allowed.

Malaysia Work visa Price

For Malaysia Work Pass Fees there are three types. 

  • There is a RM 200 annual fee for Malaysia Employment Passes (EP)
  • There is a RM125 processing fee for EPs
  • RM 90 per quarter for the Malaysian Professional Visit Pass (PVP) RM 360 per year for the Malaysian Professional Visit Pass

Malaysia Work Visa Online Apply

Malaysia work permits must be applied for on your behalf by your employer. Once your application has been approved by the Immigration Department of Malaysia, you can travel to Malaysia or apply for a visa with reference if your nationality requires a visa.

The General Steps Required Include

  • ESD must first be registered online by the company in order to hire expatriates (exact requirements vary by sector and company type).
  • The company can then apply for approval for a specific expatriate employment pass through MYXpats Center online
  • Documentation required by employers and employees varies based on the type of visa
  • To have their passports endorsed, expats can take the approval letter with their passport to a MYXpats Center
  • In about three days, the passport with a valid visa can be collected by the expat after paying the processing fee

Malaysia Work Visa Requirements

  • Passports that have at least 18 months left on them.
  • In the IT sector, applicants must be at least 27 years old.
  • The original employment contract must include a completed application form.
  • Passport photos taken recently.

Additional Documents for Specific Activities

  • Machinery/Equipment Installation/Commissioning/Maintenance:
  • Invoice of machinery purchase.
  • Form K1/ZB4/Others/BI or Letter of Confirmation from Customs Department.

Customs Department’s confirmation of the company’s location in FTZ.

Secondment in Mining Activities

  • Approval letter from Minerals & Geoscience Department Malaysia for mining.
  • Supporting letter for individuals.

Mining License.

Flight Simulator Tester

  • Supporting letter from the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia.


  • Training schedule/job description of the internship.

Hotel Trainees

  • Memorandum of Understanding for hotel training.
  • Valid star rating certificate from the Ministry of Tourism and Culture.

Malaysia Work visa Duration

You can apply for Malaysian work visas for up to 60 months. There are also short-term visa options if you are on a short-term contract.

Malaysia Work Visa Processing Time

You can get your visa processed within five days of submitting all the required paperwork. It is important to note that the employer must complete several steps before submitting a formal visa application – and providing incomplete or incorrect documentation will also delay your application significantly.

Malaysia Work visa Renewals

Malaysia work visas can generally be renewed if they still meet the relevant requirements when they expire. A similar set of supporting documents will be required as a first application, along with some additional documentation like salary slips and proof of tax payment. You’ll need a release letter from your previous employer to confirm your move if you’re renewing your visa and changing employers.

Malaysia Work Visa Video Guide

FAQs About Malaysia Work Visa 2024

Q1) How much is Malaysia employment Pass?

Ans:- Work permits are issued to foreign workers with specific skills, usually for technical or managerial positions, who will work under a contract of service with a Malaysian company.

There are three types of employment passes:

Category I

If you receive a salary of MYR 10,000 (USD 2,410) or more and have an employment contract of up to five years, you may bring eligible dependents and/or foreign domestic workers, subject to approval, and your employment pass may be renewed.

Category II

If the applicant is earning over MYR 5,000 (USD1,200), and if the salary is less than MYR 10,000 (USD2,410), the employment contract must be valid for at least 24 months. Applicants can bring dependents and/or foreign domestic helpers, subject to approval, as long as they are eligible.

Category III

Foreign nationals working under 12 month contracts and earning a monthly salary between MYR 3,000 (USD 723) and MYR 5,000 (USD1,200) can apply for employment pass category III. The employment pass can be renewed two times. Foreign domestic helpers and dependents cannot be brought.

Q2) Is it the hiring company or employee that applies for an employment pass in Malaysia?

Ans:- Before you travel to Malaysia, your employer must apply for an Expatriate Post. Firstly, they must request approval to hire. When this has been approved, you need to apply through the Immigration Department of Malaysia. A new online application portal for employment passes has been launched by the Malaysian Immigration Department.

 Q3) Are there alternative entry visas or work permits available?

Ans:- An expat seeking a short-term Malaysian work visa (less than 12 months) can apply for a Professional Visit Pass which allows them to temporarily provide services or undergo practical training with Malaysian companies.


Embark on Malaysia’s work permit journey, navigating diverse employment passes and cultural nuances. Beyond paperwork, discover vibrant expatriate stories shaping a mosaic of opportunities in this culturally rich nation. Your Malaysian adventure begins here.

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